Real Small Life

"…aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands…"

Trim Healthy Mama While Breastfeeding

trim healthy mama while nursingUpdate: Read my Top Five Tips for Trim Healthy Mamas While Nursing here! To read my personal story, keep reading below. 🙂 

I shared my experience with THM during pregnancy, but I have to say I have had much more success with Trim Healthy Mama while breastfeeding. I really, really don’t want to do a “look at me” post, but I want to encourage those who are considering the Trim Healthy Mama diet while nursing a babe. It isn’t always easy, and the journey doesn’t look the same for every person. This is just my version of the story for those who are interested! 🙂

Those who follow this type of diet tend to use a certain “lingo.” 🙂 The intention is not to leave anyone out of the loop, but to simplify the discussion of what kind of meals we are eating. I highly recommend purchasing and reading this book to further understand these concepts!

The biggest difference about following Trim Healthy Mama while nursing is the inclusion of more Crossovers in your diet, and the shortened waiting period between meals, if you feel you need either of these things. It is typically suggested to wait three hours between meals or “switching fuels” (switching between an S meal and an E meal), but for pregnant women or mothers nursing a hungry baby every 2 hours around the clock, eating when you’re hungry and staying hydrated is very important. Including more protein in your meals and snacks will fight off any blood sugar spikes that lead to excessive weight gain, or, ya know, being a hangry Mama bear. 😉

All in all, each person is unique, and will find they have their own needs. I personally found that while I was pregnant with Samuel, I felt most satisfied if I had one crossover every couple days, and I could usually wait the entire 3 hours between meals. However, while I was nursing, I needed to eat smaller portions every 2 hours. For a couple weeks toward the end of the Summer, the scale stopped moving, but I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be. I realized I had been sticking to mostly S meals. I started eating almost all crossovers, and committed to exercising at least 10 minutes a day, five days a week. Within a few weeks Samuel was chubbier than ever, and I was definitely less so. Wahoo!

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If none of that makes sense to you, here’s a simple version. 🙂 Trim Healthy Mama recipes include ingredients like coconut oil, real butter, oatmeal, lentils, wild-caught salmon, ground flax seed, eggs, grilled chicken breasts, lean ground turkey, sprouted grain breads (like Ezekiel Bread or Gwen’s Nest Homemade Bread), quinoa, brown rice, chia seeds, and lots of yummy greens. Most of all, desserts sweetened with stevia and made with almond or coconut flours are what really keep me from falling off the wagon every day.
P.S. If you need more recipe ideas, I have a ton pinned on my Trim Healthy Mama Pinterest Board!

If you want to know how to lose weight while breastfeeding while still maintaining a healthy milk supply, THM is a fantastic resource. If you are willing to work at it, this way of eating provides a framework for a healthy lifestyle. This is not a crash diet, nor a get-skinny-quick scheme, but a way of eating that is enjoyable and sustainable for a lifetime of changing seasons, including pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What are your questions about diet while nursing a baby? I’d love to chat with you!

7 responses to “Trim Healthy Mama While Breastfeeding”

  1. I am so looking forward to this part of Trim Healthy Mama, being able to hold my little one. You look great by the way and I really enjoy your site 🙂


  2. Hi, Hannah! I just started THM and I am nursing my little one. I am afraid I am going to do something wrong! I don’t want to not eat enough for my baby. I am glad to have found your blog to help me through. And I have to admit, I do not like the stevia sweetener. Maybe that comes with time….?


    1. Hi Sabina! Don’t worry, you will do great! Have you joined the Facebook group for Pregnant & Nursing THM’s?

      And the taste for stevia does come with time for many. It took me a while. The THM brand is really good! I love the pure stevia and the sweet blend. Also, if you can find Swerve in your local store, that one is great too. Over time, you’ll figure out which sweeteners you like, how much of it, in which recipes, etc. 🙂

      I’m so glad you wrote to me! Do you want to send me a “sample menu” of what you might eat in a day? Maybe I can help. 🙂


      1. Hi Hannah! I have an 18 month old named Samuel! lol My kids are 16 months apart, and my youngest is 8 weeks. I tried some of the meals off THM but not in any order. I would love a sample menu! Also, how do you find time to get any cooking done? My 18 month old just cries the whole time wanting to be held…..which makes my 8 week old upset too! I even do some prep work during naps and I use a pressure cooker!


  3. You have done a terrific job!! I have a question regarding the 2 hour wait time from the 3 hours. Can we still switch from an E meal to a S meal in the 2 hour time frame?

    Thanks Terr


    1. Hi Terri! Thank you! That is how I have understood the plan, yes. If it’s possible to do a FP snack at the two hour mark, and then switch fuels an hour later, that is probably even better! I had a lot of success with that when I wasn’t pregnant or nursing, but now that I’m pregnant again, sometimes I get too hungry and a FP just doesn’t cut it for me. Then I would go ahead and switch fuels or do a Crossover. I hope that helps!


    2. Hi Terri! I was just reading on the THM Pregnant and Nursing Group on Facebook and thought of your comment when I read this:

      “One of the biggest things we hear is how hungry Pregnant and Nursing Mama’s are and how quickly we get to that ravaging stage. While in weight loss mode it is important to wait the 3 hours between meals and snacks so that your body can use the fuel you ate, and then pull from your own to finish the job. When pregnant or nursing our bodies are already pulling from our own reserves constantly to give the baby a flow of what it needs without pause. You can continue eating S and E meals but you don’t need to wait the full three hours to eat again after your last snack or meal. You might feel ready at about the two to two and a half hour mark to eat again or slightly there- after. You can eat a fuel pull snack then or eat from the same fuel you last finished with if you don’t want to have a crossover effect.”

      They go on to say that Crossovers are still a very good thing, especially for pregnant & nursing Mamas! So, what I gather from that is if you switch fuels at the 2 hour mark, you are technically in Crossover mode. I tend to advise to not worry too much about the little details, but that’s my personality. 😉 I’ve been eating on plan every two hours the last few days, sometimes switching fuels and sometimes purposefully having a crossover, and the scale has moved down a bit to a healthier number for how far along I am in pregnancy. Anyways, hope that helps!


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About Me

I’m Hannah. I am a Christian, I am a wife, I am a mother of five beautiful children. Over the last decade of motherhood, this vision of a homesteading life has slowly grown and born fruit in me. I have come to believe that we are designed to live close to our food sources, for the good of our bodies and for the stewardship over the earth that God has mandated for us. It’s a personal journey but I’m thankful for the chance to document it here. And I’m even more thankful that maybe you’d like to read some of it.
